Top-Logic V7 Architecture Workshop from 18./19.12.2019
Shortly before the Christmas holidays BOS organized a Top-Logic V7 Architecture Workshop with representatives of ASCon-Systems, Audi, BMW, HPE and Schäffler.
The first day of the workshop was dedicated to model-centric no-code application development. The participants were shown how to create applications with Top-Logic V7 and how the life cycle is supported.
The second day focused on using distributed models in Top-Logic application landscapes across applications and explained how 3rd party systems are integrated in this context. In this context, a live demo with 3 Top-Logic Apps and a third-party application connected via a Kafka bus was shown. At the end of the event our partner ASCon Systems presented industrial solutions based on Top-Logic.
Many thanks to the workshop participants for the lively discussion and the great feedback on the workshop.
Next Top-Logic Architecture Workshop on 12/13 February 2020 at the Highlight Towers in Munich.
Register now at