In the 1990s, the founders of Business Operation Systems started as pioneers in the emerging software development industry to take on the challenge of delivering industrial applications complementary to – and beyond – hosting technology. We consistently committed ourselves to object orientation from the outset and accompanied the paradigm shift through a large number of development projects for application landscapes as well as through the development of industrially deployed client/server applications.
Symbolic of our work was the individual development of a consolidated financial statements system that enabled the Daimler Group to comply with HGB and US GAAP accounting standards, and thus achieve entry into the American financial system long before the competition. The conventional software industry was only able to provide that market with “standard” applications years later.
The increasing importance of investment banking around the turn of the millennium led to a large number of mergers of conventional commercial banks and specialized investment companies in London and New York. We implemented middleware and innovative bus systems in this industry – systems that also came to be used in newly created direct banks. Through the technological integration of heterogeneous corporate structures, we were able to make a significant contribution to enterprise cooperation.
At the beginning of the 2000s, the automotive industry had to prepare itself not only to organize a handful of development projects with manageable interdependencies, but to manage up to 100 projects simultaneously. Concepts such as identical parts strategies, simultaneous engineering and the increasing diversity of variants led to the need for novel reporting and control systems. In order to recognize the consequences of a single change in cross-vehicle contexts or to determine the status of a project along the reporting cascade in real time and in concert with release rules – and all that with a single click, new algorithms and system-technical implementations were required that standard software were not able to provide at the time – nor in foreseeable future. For the BMW Group, Business Operation Systems developed a uniform reporting and control system for all vehicle projects – a groundbreaking achievement in the industry from the time it was introduced.
Business Operation Systems is a self-financed company, with one location in Germany and one in Switzerland. The founding shareholders are still on board and, together with newly acquired executives, continue to develop the company’s strategies and operations.
With TopLogic – the automated app engine, Business Operation Systems functions as an incubator for digital business models that make sustainable contributions toward shaping a successful future by revolutionizing software development: faster, more economical and more resource-efficient delivery of software applications.
We stand for innovation, competence and reliability.
TopLogic has the potential to be used by companies as an operating system and thus become an essential pillar for the consistency, optimization and transparency of business processes.
We are convinced that the application model must be at the heart of application development. Developments and changes can only be made quickly and easily and, above all, comprehensibly if the application model always reflects the current state of the application. TopLogic’s NoCode platform offers textual and graphical editors that help make this vision a reality.
Today’s applications must be adaptable with manageable effort and integrated quickly and easily into proven process landscapes. For this purpose, TopLogic offers a model-centered layer architecture that helps to design and maintain processes as dynamic as the user’s business. Dependence on rigid structures becomes a thing of the past.
TopLogic’s product features, especially the model library, are specifically designed to provide end-to-end control. Consistency requires that models created for individual business issues and their applications be networked. Companies, however, lack just such a platform that can resolve and present complex relationships and enable a comprehensible and transparent integration of individual solutions. TopLogic enables flexible integration of existing business logic and closes digitization gaps: Use what is proven and develop it further when needed.
Startups and consulting firms use TopLogic – the automated app engine to establish new or expanded business models in their business domains. Our customers use TopLogic-based applications to digitize processes more consistently. Using TopLogic results in hybrid and intelligent IoT applications, such as digital twins for the shop floor, or applications for enabling SmartCity and SmartFarming strategies through the use of technology.
As technology provider and founding shareholder, Business Operation Systems invested in the startup ASCon Systems, Stuttgart. TopLogic, the product of Business Operation Systems, comprises the technological foundation for ASCon Systems’ Digital Twin.
Business Operation Systems is also a founding member of the Openium corporate network, which was launched in 2019, and with its product TopLogic, supplies Openium with the technology for plugging digitization gaps in company process landscapes.
Business Operation Systems cooperates with various system integrators such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The aim here is to implement IT development strategies, in particular for data management between OEMs, suppliers and partner companies, that ensure the parties involved sovereignty and legal certainty for “their” data.